TRNG Variables Condition
Die Zahl bezieht sich auf die Nr. des Condition Triggers, nach der man im TE suchen kann.
Text Variable
93: Variables. The (E)Text Variable is even than <#>NG String (Case sensitive comparison)
94: Variables. The (E)Text Variable is even than <#>NG String (Not case sensitive comparison)
95: Variables. The (E)Text Variable is even than <#>TextVariable (Case sensitive comparison)
96: Variables. The (E)Text Variable is even than <#>TextVariable (Not case sensitive comparison)
97: Variables. The <#>Text Variable is a (E)string
Code Memory
53: Variables. The <#>Code Memory has the (E)BIt clear
52: Variables. The <#>Code Memory has the (E)Bit set
51: Variables. The <#>Code Memory is < than Current Value
49: Variables. The <#>Code Memory is = than Current Value
50: Variables. The <#>Code Memory is >= than Current Value
Numeric Variable
45: Variables. The <#>Numeric Variable has the (E)Bit clear
44: Variables. The <#>Numeric Variable has the (E)Bit set
39: Variables. The <#>Numeric Variable is < than (E)Big Number value
42: Variables. The <#>Numeric Variable is < than (E)Value
40: Variables. The <#>Numeric Variable is = than (E)Big Number value
43: Variables. The <#>Numeric Variable is = than (E)Value
38: Variables. The <#>Numeric Variable is >= than (E)Big Number value
41: Variables. The <#>Numeric Variable is >= than (E)Value
Current Value
47: Variables. The Current Value variable is < than <#>Value
48: Variables. The Current Value variable is = than <#>Value
46: Variables. The Current Value variable is >= than <#>Value