BtB 2024 - Dark Secrets of Abydos

  • Irgendwie tippe ich hier auf Shabaobab :/

    Nö, das ist der Level wo man 5 Scheiben abschießen muß. Der schmurgelt bei mir derzeit auf Wiedervorlage weil ich bin gerade in den Dungeons eingekehrt nachdem ich endlich den verflixten TR beim ersten Isis Knot hinkriegte (2 Secrets habe ich bis dahin und ich frage mich welcher LB ein Kamel in der Wohnstube hat und so knallig bunt wie Psiko baut).

  • As I said before, I think it is Shabaobab. I don't know about a "camel in the living room", but look at the brightly colored Barbie and Advent levels by Shabaobab (AKA Tombraiderxii) where similar room construction is used. But I could be wrong.

  • Du meine Güte: Erst ein extrem unappetitlicher TR beim Skelett, dann reichlich Bodenklappenkrampf zum Bodenhebel der das Gelände unter Wasser setzt. Kein FlyBy oder sowas für den weiteren Tauchweg, ich habe hier geguggt, bin darauf hin unter Wasser weiter und eben in einer hellen Höhle mit einem Secret drinnen.
    Und wo muß ich jetzt weiter?

    Achtung: Oben in der TR-/Skelett-Höhle muß Lara durch eine dreieckige Öffnung durch. Zuvor Abspeichern ansonsten hängt man hier in einer der zahlreichen Illegal Slopes fest und kommt da auch nicht mehr raus...

  • No, you do not go through the triangular opening when the cave is flooded. That was the way to this skeleton area cave from the mountainous lava cave area.

    After the secret, swim back down and go to the place that Lara climbed up a pillar and shimied to crawl to the room to set up the timed run. There is a slope in the first room behind the gate opened with the floor lever (part of start of timed run) and at the top of the slope Lara couldn't climb (when not flooded), there is a large opening that Lara can swim through to end the level.

  • Sorry again, but your savegame still crashes to the desktop.

    I have uploaded 2 savegames. In savegame 9 Lara is in the secret room at the end of the level, but she has not yet picked up the secret items or recorded the secret (secret 5). This should be the place where you were originally stuck. This will let you find the way to the end of the level.

    However, if you still get lost, I posted savegame 13 which is underwater at the final place of the dungeons level. Just have Lara swim up and into the opening and go into the corridor to the next level (Palace). (You can also backtrack from here to see how Lara got to this place if she doesn't run out of air.)

    savegame.9     savegame.13

  • Michael Mann, try the following before giving up:

    1. Delete the entire Abydos game from your computer, but keep your savegame files first in another directory (the ones from levels 1-3 may still work).

    2. Now reinstall the game in a different computer directory.

    3. Copy the 2 savegames I uploaded into this new game installation.

    4. Start the Abydos game as a NEW game. Once you are at the start of level 1, then load one of the savegames. They should load, unless your computer registry is corrupted with regards to the Abydos game.


    Tomb Raider data that cause crashes are saved in successive savegames and game dll files, so you need to erase all of that first by doing step 1 above.


    There is no video walkthrough yet.

  • Hmm, nach dem ziemlich miesen 1.55 TR blieb zwar hinten das Türchen zu. Also habe ich nur 4 Artefakte. Zurück geht es dann in die Verteilerkammer und Lara ist halb transparent. Ansonsten tut sich nix, die Kacheln in der grünen Ecke sind auch unkaputtbar. Es gibt weder Hebel, noch was zum zerschießen oder Abhüpfen.

    Und jetzt?

  • You are at the same place I was stuck last week. Do a swan dive from the top of that pillar so Lara will die (and wake up).

    Sorry, I didn't send you a savegame from the start of the palace yesterday. I knew the dlls were corrupted, but I didn't realize it was tied to the existence of the dungeons level tr4 as you mentioned earlier.

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